Nov. 2, 2020


Michaela Johnson, Press Secretary, (301) 848-9048

Serve America and Voter Protection Corps condemn Republican efforts to prevent counting of mail-in ballots after Election Day

WASHINGTON —  Serve America PAC and The Voter Protection Corps condemn attempts by President Donald Trump and Republicans across the country to prevent the counting of ballots after Election Day in states where it is currently permissible. On Sunday, President Trump said it’s “terrible” that ballots are allowed to be counted after Election Day, and Republicans across the nation have been filing lawsuits to block the counting of ballots after Nov. 3, despite state laws allowing for the late arrival of ballots.

If counting stops after Election Day, thousands of American service members and families overseas could be disenfranchised, despite state laws allowing for their ballots to be counted.

“I can think of few things more unpatriotic than taking away the right to vote from the men and women fighting for it overseas,” said Congressman Seth Moulton, Marine Corps veteran and founder of Serve America PAC. “It's not surprising, though, because Donald Trump has repeatedly proven he doesn't respect our troops or understand the values of sacrifice and service to benefit anyone other than himself. The votes of our service members must be counted.” 

“Every eligible American has the right to cast their vote and make their voice heard at the ballot box," said Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, a former United States Air Force officer who represents Pennsylvania’s Sixth District. "Of course this includes our intrepid service members who are bravely risking their lives to serve our country. Anyone attempting to disenfranchise this group of voters clearly has no appreciation for the sacrifice so many have made to preserve and protect this very foundational right. As a veteran from a family of service members, I stand firm on the side of our troops: your vote will be counted."

“Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s desperate attempts to suppress the vote in this election are now putting overseas service members at risk of disenfranchisement,” said Quentin Palfrey, Chair of the Voter Protection Corps. “These military heroes deserve to have their votes counted and their rights protected, not to be used as political pawns to further Trump’s reelection hopes. Every eligible vote cast in this election must be counted. The Voter Protection Corps thanks Representatives Moulton and Houlahan and the Serve America PAC for their leadership on this crucial issue.”
